Boiled eggs are the most common ingredient when it comes to making salad.
Any schoolchild can boil them hard, but it’s unlikely that they’ll be able to peel them without throwing away half the egg white along with the shell.
Expert of the online publication "BelNovosti" Yulia Arkhipova - a cook, fourth-class baker told about one culinary trick.

There are many ways to boil eggs and then peel them easily.
But the most popular method is to pierce the shell before cooking.
How to proceed
All you need is a needle and eggs. Before you put the pan on the stove, make a hole in the egg.
This must be done from the blunt end, because this is where the air sac is located.
If you make a hole on the side or on the tip, the shell will crack during cooking.
The method guarantees easy and quick peeling of boiled eggs. The white does not peel off and does not stick to the shell.
The whole point is that through the hole made, water will get inside the egg, which will prevent the protein from sticking tightly to the shell. That's all the wisdom.
For reference
Lifehack is a trick or useful advice that helps solve a problem. The neologism comes from the fusion of two English words: life and hack, and was proposed by British journalist Danny O'Brien.