Often, many housewives face the problem of storing salads.
Unfortunately, it is not always possible to “extend the life” of dishes – so that they remain fresh as long as possible without losing their taste.
Experienced home cooks know what to do in such cases.
Yulia Arkhipova, an expert in the field of cooking for the online publication Belnovosti and a chef, shared simple rules for the sensible storage of salads.
According to her, for storage you need to choose an airtight container or a sealable bag.
This way we limit the access of air, which causes the greenery to wither faster.
You should make sure that the green leaves are dry. To do this, blot them with paper towels.
The fact is that excess moisture causes salads to spoil much faster.
But tomatoes, cucumbers and dressing should be stored separately from the greens until serving.
Otherwise, the salad will quickly lose its freshness.
As for the refrigerator, the optimal temperature for salads is from 1 to 4 degrees - then they wither more slowly.
If the leaves are still damp, add a dry paper towel to the salad container to absorb excess moisture.
It is better to dress the salad before serving, because if you do it earlier, the dish will become soft and less tasty.