If you find yourself pulling out one big lump of pasta from the pan after cooking, don't give up on yourself as a cook.
The culprit is not your abilities in the kitchen, but, as the expert of the online publication BelNovosti, chef Yulia Arkhipova, rightly notes, the large amount of starch contained in this product.
This is the reason why pasta sticks together.
If you don't want your spaghetti or horns to turn into something unappetizing, you should add a little vegetable oil to the pan while cooking.
This option is suitable if the pasta is planned to be served hot.
If you need boiled pasta as an ingredient for a salad or appetizer, place it in a colander after cooking and rinse with cold water.
There are a couple more tricks that will make pasta not only tasty, but also attractive to look at.
It is recommended to cook them for no longer than 5-10 minutes in a large amount of water to reduce the concentration of starch.
Pasta should only be placed in boiling and pre-salted water.
In addition, it wouldn't hurt to pour a little vinegar or lemon juice into the pan - these ingredients also prevent the pasta from sticking together. The main thing is not to overdo it.
For reference
Macaroni is a pasta product in the form of tubes of different diameters and lengths.