Fried onions are used very actively and widely in cooking, so it is important to know how to cook the ingredient well.
Some simply put the chopped ingredient in a frying pan with oil and cook until done.
Yes, such onions will be good, but they cannot be called perfect. Some housewives add a spoonful of sugar during frying. As a result, the onions turn out caramelized.

Another popular additive is soda. It is believed that it can neutralize the specific taste and aroma of the product. But not everyone knows how to make fried onions much better, noted the expert of the online publication BelNovosti on culinary issues, chef Yulia Arkhipova.
What unexpected ingredient will improve the quality of fried onions?
As it turns out, we are talking about regular flour. This component helps to prepare the perfect fried onion. First, you will need to chop the vegetable to a convenient size.
Then we put the onion in a bag. Add a spoonful of flour and start shaking. Then it is worth putting the onion on a sieve to get rid of a large amount of flour.
And after that you can safely start frying.