Many people like to treat themselves in the evening with a traditional cup of tea, but it is wiser to avoid classic varieties.
Black and green tea will have an invigorating effect on you.
Therefore, you need to know what to add to your evening drink, reveals the secrets of Yulia Arkhipova, an expert on culinary issues for the online publication BelNovosti.

What to add to calming tea
Linden flowers
Not everyone knows that this aromatic component can gently and quickly relieve you of stress, and also have a positive effect on the body.
White tea
The caffeine levels in this tea are quite low, so you can safely drink it at any time of the day. The advantage of this tea is that it effectively combats nervous tension.
White tea also has a wonderful taste and aroma that remind one of a flower meadow.
For many, this plant has become a real symbol of tea against nervous tension. Chamomile has earned this title. If you add it to your evening tea, your sleep will be wonderful and calm.