Nowadays, experienced housewives don’t have a minute of free time: they are busy with seasonal preparations.
Cucumbers occupy an important place in every family, and are an ideal complement to any dish.
However, in order for the preparation to be as tasty as possible, special ingredients should be added to the jar, says Yulia Arkhipova, an expert in the field of cooking for the online publication BelNovosti.

What can be added to the jar
Oak and cherry leaves
First of all, it is worth remembering these wonderful components that will make cucumbers incredibly tasty. They are the ones that will help preserve the crunch.
This is ensured by the tannins included in the composition. It is customary to take one oak leaf and two cherry leaves for a three-liter jar.
This ingredient has become a real classic: currants will make cucumbers much tastier and more interesting. The ingredient will also "soften" the harshness of oak leaves.
Three leaves per jar (3 l) will be quite enough.
If you didn’t know where to put your dill umbrellas or overgrown parsley, you should find a worthy use for them by putting them in a jar with cucumbers.
For a three-liter jar, take one umbrella and a small amount of parsley.