Many coffee lovers are probably tired of using standard additives for the invigorating drink - cream and milk.
I want something new and unusual.
There is an approach that is definitely worth paying attention to. It turns out that coffee will acquire a brighter taste if you replace the milk additive with... caramel-salted.

Yulia Arkhipova, an expert in the field of cooking, a chef and a fourth-class baker from the online publication Belnovosti, spoke about an interesting way to improve the taste of a drink.
What to add to coffee if you are tired of cream and milk
Any confectionery syrup will be an excellent substitute for dairy products.
Good options include caramel, chocolate and vanilla syrups.
A very interesting approach is to add salted caramel syrup to coffee. The thing is that such an ingredient will provide the invigorating drink with both a bright sweet taste and a salty flavor note.
The latter, oddly enough, will come in very handy: a small amount of salt perfectly reveals that very “coffee aroma”.
Of course, you shouldn't overdo it with the syrup. 15-20 milliliters of concentrated solution is enough for a glass of coffee.