Fried potatoes only seem like a simple dish to prepare at first glance.
After all, it’s very easy to encounter a culinary failure.
Instead of a quality meal, you may end up with a “mush” or a collection of burnt (and still raw inside) vegetable pieces.

However, there is one little trick that will allow you to get the perfect dish: aromatic, tasty and with an appetizing crispy crust.
You need to use an additional ingredient - wheat flour.
Yulia Arkhipova, an expert in the field of cooking from the online publication Belnovosti, a chef and fourth-class baker, spoke about how to do this correctly.
When to Add Flour When Making Fried Potatoes
This must be done before the potato pieces are even in the pan.
Here's what you need to do: peel the tubers, cut them, remove the moisture (using a paper towel) and put the slices/bars into a bowl.
You can't add salt to the chopped vegetable yet. But you should add one tablespoon of flour.
Mix the contents of the container thoroughly and pour it into a heated frying pan.
Salt should be added about a minute before the potatoes are finished frying.
Earlier, gourmets were told how to fry cutlets without using oil .