The fear of any experienced housewife when preparing fried potatoes is mainly related to the fact that the main component will not be able to retain its shape during the heat treatment.
The thing is, potatoes really do fall apart quite often.
However, chef Yulia Arkhipova , an expert on culinary issues for the online publication BelNovosti, reveals a trick that will help potatoes easily hold their shape and turn out beautiful, tasty and aesthetically pleasing.

What needs to be done for this?
First, take the required amount of potatoes, peel and wash them. Then try to chop them into the most uniform bars possible.
This is an important point that will allow you to prepare a dish of decent quality.
Then pour cold water into the bowl.
We put the potatoes in a container for at least half an hour. Then we drain the water, wash the component again and put it on a cutting board.
Then, using a paper towel, remove excess moisture.
After that, you can safely begin the process of preparing a delicious dish.
Previously, we talked about how to make delicious and healthy smoothies for weight loss .