When preparing an omelette, many housewives resort to tricks to achieve a high-quality texture and a certain degree of fluffiness.
There are all kinds of advice.
One of the most common ones is the addition of flour and soda, notes Yulia Arkhipova, a culinary expert for the online publication BelNovosti.
Do I need to add these ingredients?
This component often causes controversy among many cooks, since not all of them add it. Supporters of the method believe that flour allows making the consistency of the finished dish more uniform and "collected".
Others believe that the product "clogs" the taste of the dish and makes it too dense. As a result, the omelette may not rise for this reason alone.
Therefore, if you do add flour, do so in limited quantities.
Do you need baking soda?
This question will never lose its relevance: there are always disputes about soda. Some are sure that it is soda that is the key to the splendor and airiness of the finished dish.
Others are sure that a not very pleasant flavor will appear.
However, one pinch of soda will definitely not spoil the taste of the omelette, so you can add it.
Previously we talked about how to properly prepare dried mushrooms .