Although meatballs are considered "close relatives" of cutlets, the dishes are very different.
First of all, the changes are obvious in matters of cooking technique.
If you want a meat product to hold its shape, turn out juicy and tasty, then you should adhere to three basic rules, says chef Yulia Arkhipova , an expert on culinary issues at the online publication BelNovosti.

What do they consist of?
Grinding the minced meat itself
It is important to understand that the richness of the taste and juiciness of the meatballs will depend on this. You cannot grind the mince too finely for this dish.
Therefore, the minced meat itself should be of "medium grind".
Amount of rice
Remember that fresh rice is not added - it simply will not have time to cook, so it is boiled for seven minutes. But it is much more important to remember the proportions.
For one part of rice take three parts of meat. This amount will be enough to prepare exemplary meatballs.
There are disputes about the form in which this product should be added to meatballs. However, it is worth remembering one rule: pre-fried onions will make the dish much tastier and more aromatic.
Earlier we talked about the secrets that will help you prepare the perfect pearl barley .