Can bread in cutlets be replaced with breadcrumbs: not all housewives know the correct answer

14.03.2024 10:55

It is known that in order to improve the quality of cutlets, it is customary to add bakery products.

However, they must be dried, so this product is not always available in the kitchen.

Some housewives believe that in this case, breadcrumbs could be considered as an alternative, noted Yulia Arkhipova, an expert on culinary issues for the BelNovosti online publication.

Is such a replacement acceptable?

As it turns out, bread can really be replaced with breadcrumbs without losing the quality of the cutlets. But even in this case, there are some subtleties.

It is important to understand that the breadcrumbs will work much more "actively" than the bread. If you add them incorrectly, the cutlets will completely lose their juiciness.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Therefore, they should be taken in smaller quantities and do not forget to soak them.

How to add breadcrumbs to cutlets correctly

It is recommended to stick to the "golden" proportions: for a kilogram of meat take no more than half a glass of breadcrumbs. You can even take a little less.

After that, fill them with water. The ratio should be one to one. You will need to wait about five minutes.

Earlier we talked about how to properly add bread to cutlet mince .

Marina Michalap Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor

Julia Arkhipova Expert: Julia ArkhipovaExpert / Belnovosti

  1. Is such a replacement acceptable?
  2. How to add breadcrumbs to cutlets correctly