How to make the taste and aroma of coffee more refined: the secret of an excellent drink

06.02.2024 12:54

You can improve the taste of coffee with the help of additional additives. They will help to make the taste purer and the aroma richer.

All the methods are simple, but the drink will still end up being more refined.

Yulia Arkhipova, an expert in the field of cooking for the online publication Belnovosti, spoke about what can be added to coffee.

Photo: © Belnovosti

First of all, you need to remember that the invigorating drink will taste better if you use filtered water during the preparation process.

Next, you can move on to additional ingredients.


This spice will invigorate, improve your mood and help to reveal the taste. Two or three pinches per cup are enough.

Black pepper

Just one pinch is enough to make your coffee more invigorating, aromatic and rich.


It must first be grated, and only then can the delicacy be added to the drink, which will become thicker and richer.


Just one pinch of this loose product will remove the bitterness and make the taste softer. Salt should be added before brewing.

Earlier we talked about how to drink coffee correctly to lose weight.

Olga Kotova Author: Olga Kotova Internet resource editor

Julia Arkhipova Expert: Julia ArkhipovaExpert / Belnovosti

  1. Cinnamon
  2. Black pepper
  3. Chocolate
  4. Salt

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