In order for pancakes to be called successful, they need to be made fluffy.
Achieving the desired result is not that difficult.
What secrets do you need to know?
Recently, you can hear that when making pancakes, you can use completely different types of flour. This helps to achieve interesting visual solutions, and also helps to improve the taste.

However, make sure that the regular wheat flour is dominant. Also, do not forget about the need to sift it.
When preparing this dish, it is extremely important to achieve the right consistency. Sour cream always serves as a guide.
Remember that the pancake mixture should not be too thick and steep, reminds the expert of the online publication BelNovosti, chef Yulia Arkhipova .
Pancakes should never be cooked immediately after finishing working with the dough. You should wait at least ten minutes before further manipulations.
Previously we talked about how to preserve the color of borscht without vinegar .