Why do smart cooks not throw away garlic peel: it is needed for preparing one dish – it will be very tasty

19.01.2024 07:18

After peeling the garlic, the vast majority of housewives throw the husk into the trash can.

And in vain, because the collected mass is not garbage, but a useful thing in cooking.

Experienced cooks never throw away garlic peels. Instead, they put them in a separate plastic container for storage.

Photo: © Belnovosti

They do the same with the film that was located between the garlic cloves.

What to cook with garlic peel

This mass makes a wonderful broth.

Place all the collected husks and film into a saucepan, and then fill the contents of the container with clean liquid.

Place the pot on the burner, turn on the heat and wait until the water starts to boil. Once this happens, set a timer for 15 minutes.

During this time, the broth will be ready. The resulting liquid will need to be passed through a filter surface.

The broth will turn out perfect: appetizing looking, golden, aromatic, healthy and, of course, incredibly tasty.

This broth can be simply consumed with croutons. Or you can use it to make soup or porridge.

Earlier we explained why sausages are usually cut at an angle : it turns out it’s not that simple.

Kurchev Anton Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief

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