Fish will not only be less caloric and healthier, but also tender and soft if you steam it.
A special sauce will make the taste brighter and more interesting. The process is quite simple and does not take much time and effort.
What ingredients are needed?
- fillet - 500 g;
- garlic - 4 cloves;
- parsley;
- chili pepper - 1 pc.;
- lime juice - 30 ml;
- sugar - 1 tbsp;
- fish broth - 30 ml.
How to cook delicious steamed fish
Garlic and herbs need to be chopped and then mixed with sugar, pepper, and juice.

The fish should be cut into portions, covered with sauce and broth, and then placed in a steam basket on a saucepan of water.
Cook the fish for about 15-20 minutes. Once the dish is ready, it is best to serve it with sauce and herbs. The sour and spicy sauce goes well with the tender fish fillet.
This fish goes well with any side dish.
Previously we told you how to quickly and easily cook any fish.