To prepare pilaf, you have to follow a lot of conventions, since this dish is not for beginner cooks.
Literally every detail plays an important role in the process.
It is also worth remembering that spices largely influence the taste of the dish. If you do not add enough of them, the pilaf simply will not work.

What spices should be added to pilaf
It is difficult to imagine the preparation of classic pilaf without this spice. Zira gives a special aroma to the dish.
It is customary to take about a spoon of this spice per kilogram of rice.
Many people forget to add this ingredient to pilaf, but barberry is an important component. To begin with, you should try adding half a tablespoon of berries in order to evaluate their taste qualities for yourself.
Afterwards their number can be increased.
This spice is quite expensive, especially if we are talking about a natural quality product. In order to transform pilaf, you will need to add just one pinch of spice.
Turmeric is often added when it is not possible to add saffron. However, the spices go well together. For a large portion of pilaf, it is enough to add half a small spoon of the spice.
Peppers, rosemary and paprika
These ingredients perfectly complement the meat, so you should add them according to your preferences. Also, don't forget about garlic.
This set is quite enough to serve a wonderful and aromatic pilaf.
Previously, we talked about how to make even stringy beef soft using starch and mustard .