These Mistakes Will Hopelessly Ruin Your Sauerkraut: Even Experienced Cooks Make Them

20.11.2023 18:04

Sauerkraut is easy to make, but no one is immune to mistakes. Even experienced cooks make mistakes.

Here is a list of the most critical mistakes that can easily ruin your sauerkraut supplies.

As you know, cabbage should be crispy, invigorating and a little bit sharp. It is not difficult to choose a recipe, but the real art, as always, is in the details.

Mistake number one: storage

Properly prepared and fermented cabbage should not be stored in a warm place. It is best to keep it in conditions no higher than +5 degrees Celsius, which is ideally suited to a refrigerator.

Mistake two: grade

Late varieties of cabbage and dense heads are selected for harvesting. Their leaves are thin, the cut is white, the heads are small.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Mistake three: salt

The most common rock salt is the only friend of sauerkraut. All other products with spices, iodine or fine grinding are unsuitable.

If you upset the balance, you can end up with soft cabbage that is impossible to eat.

Mistake number four: technology

One small detail that can ruin a lot. It is better to cut cabbage with a knife, rather than using graters and other kitchen utensils.

Mistake number five: brine

If the cabbage does not release juice, then you need to prepare a brine (2 tablespoons of salt per liter of cooled boiled water). Pour the brine into a jar with cabbage, otherwise nothing will work.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Mistake number one: storage
  2. Mistake two: grade
  3. Mistake three: salt
  4. Mistake number four: technology
  5. Mistake number five: brine