How to cook meat properly so that it is soft and aromatic: not all housewives know

29.06.2023 09:31

Boiled meat is much healthier than fried meat, so it is worth serving the product in this way at least sometimes.

The main "reproach" against boiled meat is that it turns out dry and does not have the usual bright taste qualities.

But the situation can be easily corrected if you choose the correct cooking method.

Photo: © Belnovosti

How to cook meat properly so that it remains soft and tasty

It is worth noting right away that this method is equally suitable for all types of product. It is best to cook meat whole. This will help the broth become more rich, and also preserve the juiciness of the product itself.

The most important recommendation is that the product is placed in cold water, not boiling water.

Salt is added approximately halfway through the cooking process.

But bay leaf and vegetables can be added at the very beginning. In order for the product to be of decent quality, after boiling, the fire indicators are reduced to a minimum. If the product boils strongly, the meat will lose its aroma and will be dry.

Chicken can be ready in 40 minutes. Pork needs at least an hour. But when making bone broth, you will have to wait at least two hours.

Marina Michalap Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor

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