How to remove all the bones from a herring in one fell swoop: an easy way to get a fillet

25.06.2023 17:50

The recipe for many dishes begins with the words: “Take herring fillets.”

But where can you get it if you bought a regular fish carcass in the store – no matter whether it’s fresh or salted?

If you have asked yourself the same question, we suggest you learn about a quick and easy way to clean herring from bones.

Photo: Pixabay

To do this, you should stock up on the necessary attributes in advance. You will need a knife, a cutting board and a plastic bag.

Stretch the bag over the board, after which you can safely place the fish here.

Cut off the head, cut open the belly and remove the entrails from the herring, then put the fish on a clean plate, remove the bag from the board, deftly wrapping all the contents in it, and throw it in the trash can.

The herring should be rinsed under water and proceed further. Use your index finger and thumb to pick up the spine and ribs (2-3 on one side and the same on the other).

Using your thumb, pull out the spine along the entire length of the fish, and finally cut it off at the tail.

This way, you can get rid of the ribs and small bones in the fish in almost one movement.

Elena Shimanovskaya Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources

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