Why a child has low self-esteem: mistakes of parents

03.11.2024 01:20

It is always more difficult for a person with complexes and low self-esteem to fight for their “warm” place, let alone in our time.

He either becomes a miserable person and suffers all his life from his own indecisiveness, or he still achieves his goals, as a rule, turning into a real despot, asserting himself at the expense of others.

It is worth saying right away that not all children with complexes are born into dysfunctional families.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Such a child can be raised by parents who care about him and love him, especially if he, as it seems to them, is not like other children, does not live up to the hopes placed on him, does not meet the ambitions of his parents.

Because, as the classic said, we all come from childhood, but it is worth adding here that most of our complexes come from there too.

Don't demand complete obedience: it can be harmful

Another mistake that parents often make, which results in the child growing up with low self-esteem and being infantile, is the demand for unquestioning obedience.

For example, you bought new tights for children, but the baby does not want to wear them, but wants to dress up in old trousers – let him defend his rights.

Obedient children are the dream of almost all mothers and fathers; it is easier with them than with a tomboy who cannot sit still for a second.

However, how can a submissive boy, who constantly does only what is asked or demanded of him, who is entirely dependent on the opinions of the people around him, and who is used to obeying, in the future, as an adult, defend his own opinion?

Dear moms and dads, remember that your main task is to raise a personality, or, to put it simply, a person with their own thoughts, views, and character.

If a child starts to mindlessly fulfill all your demands, he will adopt this behavior pattern when communicating with strangers.

Without the skill to defend their own opinion, a child can become a puppet, obeying people who are stronger in character. To avoid this, teach your child to defend their own opinion, to refuse.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Internet resource editor

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