Not all parents like it when their children question their opinions and start arguing.
But this is inevitable if you are trying to raise a thinking and independent person.
What makes a child argue with his parents?
Adults say one thing but act differently
Many people are familiar with the situation: mom and dad are trying to force the child to eat broccoli, but they themselves allow themselves a piece of cake and pizza. Children very subtly and quickly notice the differences between the words and actions of adults.
After this, every word the parents say may be questioned.
You have a smart child growing up.
Smart children are not satisfied with the "because I said so" argument. An intellectually developed child expects that parents will always be able to explain their position or at least show the sequence of decisions.
Sometimes the reason for arguments is much more prosaic. If a child has been accumulating grievances against his parents for a long time, then this will definitely find its emotional outlet.
One way would be to argue with your parents.