As a rule, parents experience only two main feelings towards their child: either total affection or total irritation.
Why do we get irritated with our child?
There are, of course, a great many reasons for such behavior. Despite this, three main ones can be singled out from this abundance.
When communicating with adults, we usually try to control our emotions, because they are able to fight back. But children are not capable of this, so parents allow themselves to break down on them.
Besides, a child is the only person in our environment who will love us unconditionally. So even if we do something terrible, the baby will still love us. We are well aware of this, which is why we sometimes go crazy.
Childhood trauma
Even though an adult is looking at you from the mirror, inside there is still a little boy or girl, with their childhood grievances, traumas and experiences.
Our parents may have offended us in childhood, which is why we sometimes transfer our childhood experiences to our relationships with our own children. For example, if a child asks for the fifth candy, he may irritate his mother, who was not allowed to eat so many sweets in her time.
Unfulfilled expectations
Making plans with a small child is a lost cause. You've just planned a quiet breakfast with the whole family in a cafe, and the little fidget will start asking to go home, then run around the establishment, rip the tablecloth off the table and refuse to eat his food.
Parents have to deal with such situations almost every day, so all they can do is be prepared for such a development of events.