What Adults Should Learn From Children: Don't Miss the Opportunity to Learn a Valuable Lesson

03.09.2024 17:00
Updated: 27.09.2024 18:49

If you watch your child for a while, you will notice that sometimes his wisdom is much deeper than what they try to “palm off” on us in personal growth trainings.

Here are some lessons you can learn from your everyday interactions with your children.

What's Behind the Disorder

It often happens that a baby runs to his parents with a bruise or a bump on his forehead. While the mother is trying to figure out where the injury came from, she is simultaneously trying to calm the baby down, stroking him and kissing him. Another situation: a small child is nervous and capricious. Here, the father understands that he is tired, wants to sleep or is hungry, and meets his needs.

Why not do the same with adults? When someone is irritated and complains to you, don’t assume that they are inadequate or weak-willed – instead, think about what might be hiding behind the aggression and irritation. Typically, it’s fear, fatigue, or poor health.

What is love

For adults, love is often assessed by the amount of benefits received from another person - for example, a woman cooks food and does housework, and a man provides her with money and solves other problems. Agree, such an attitude cannot be called anything other than consumerist.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Because there is never enough money, many people begin to feel anxious. To relieve yourself of this oppressive burden, it is worth talking to children - for them, it makes no difference what kind of car or apartment you have. They are interested in whether you can draw monsters and build a tower of blocks. Children broadcast positivity to the world and choose friends according to their soul, not their social status.

How to be happy

Childish spontaneity and openness to the world allow little ones to enjoy the simple things that surround us: "Look, what a bug! Look at these stones! What a big puddle, let's run to it!"

However, as we grow up, we need strong emotions that can be triggered by large-scale events or stimulants: coffee, cigarettes, alcohol. Only when we lose something important do we begin to appreciate it.

But there is another way: pay attention to the little things every day and enjoy them, like children.

Elena Shimanovskaya Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Internet resource editor

  1. What's Behind the Disorder
  2. What is love
  3. How to be happy