4 Things You Should Never Do or Forgive Your Adult Children: You'll Really Regret It Years Later

02.08.2024 03:20

There are actions that should never be forgiven in adult children.

Years later you may regret it, and very much so.

What you can't forgive adult children

Firstly, permissiveness. If the child doesn't care about your opinion, you can't let it go.

Secondly, manipulation and emotional blackmail. For example, the child threatens to stop communicating with you if his request is not fulfilled.

Don't give in. If your child loves you, he won't stop communicating with you just because you refused him something.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Thirdly, personal boundaries. A child should not tell you how to live, interfere in your relationships with anyone, etc.

Fourth, devaluation. No matter how high your children's careers are, you can't let them belittle your achievements.

Timur Khomichev Author: Timur Khomichev Internet resource editor