What to say to a child when he has lost a change of shoes or a pencil case for the 10th time: refrain from criticism and accusations

30.06.2024 20:35

Small (and not so small) children often lose their things.

If you don’t know how to react the next time your child shares news of loss with you, read this article carefully – in it you will find all the answers to the questions that concern you.

Calm the child

The first thing you need to do is to be understanding and calm. Explain to your son or daughter that such situations are possible and that it is normal, because everyone sometimes loses something. It is important for the child to know that you will support him or her and will not be angry.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Don't criticize

Forget about criticism and accusations – instead, talk about what needs to be done to avoid losses in the future. Let the conversation be constructive, not full of reproaches.

Help me remember

Together with your child, think about where he might have left his thing – discuss with him where he was that day and what he did, this should make the search easier.

Understand how to avoid losses

Tell your child what they can do to avoid losing things. If needed, help them create a storage system.

Emphasize the importance of taking care of things

In a conversation with your child, explain to him why it is so important to take care of his things, discuss the value of objects and ways to maintain order. These skills will help him develop responsibility.

Praise for your efforts

Recognize your child's efforts in finding a lost item or paying attention during a conversation. Support his or her efforts to avoid similar situations in the future.

Previously, we talked about which children's things can only be bought new.

Elena Shimanovskaya Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources

  1. Calm the child
  2. Don't criticize
  3. Help me remember
  4. Understand how to avoid losses
  5. Emphasize the importance of taking care of things
  6. Praise for your efforts

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