When raising a daughter, parents can make several serious mistakes at once.
The result could be a broken child's life.
After all, the girl will face serious psychological problems, the consequences of which will make themselves felt in adulthood.
So, how should a mom and dad not raise a daughter?
"Act like a girl!"
It is believed that girls should be sweet, obedient, quiet and meek.
But forget about stereotypes! Don't force your little one to be like that.
Otherwise, the child will never learn to defend personal boundaries.
Lack of praise
Don't be afraid to "overdo it" with praise. Especially in cases where the girl deserves gratitude and kind words.
If you rarely praise your daughter, she will consider herself inept. In such a situation, there is a high probability of developing low self-esteem.
Comparison with other children
Don't compare your daughter with other girls. Especially if the comparison is not in your child's favor.
The phrase “But she did better than you” can make a girl resentful, withdrawn and insecure.
Punishments for boyish games
What to do if a girl likes to play football? Nothing!
Don't deprive your child of his favorite hobby.
Previously, the rules of etiquette that every child should know were listed.