Parents Can Be Toxic Too: 3 Popular Phrases You Shouldn't Say to Your Children

27.05.2024 08:12

Not only acquaintances or colleagues can be toxic, but even parents in the eyes of their children.

This is very clearly reflected in the words and phrases that many mothers and fathers say because they themselves often heard them when they were children.

To avoid making your child's life miserable, eliminate these three "innocent" phrases from your vocabulary.

"All children are like children, but who do you take after?"

Quite an ironic remark. But even said with a smile and without malicious intent, these words have a destructive power in relation to the child's psyche.

A child can come up with anything and at the very least begin to doubt that his parents love him.

Father Child
Photo: Pixabay

"I'll give it to you to that uncle/auntie over there"

Some go even further and say that they will call the police and hand the child over to the police. But they certainly have nothing to do with it!

An old and stupid joke that scares children.

After such words, the child may feel defenseless, because even the parents cannot protect him, or do not want to.

"Don't stick your nose where it doesn't belong"

After such words, children begin to feel indifferent or deprived of the right to participate in the discussion of family issues. What can I say - they are simply not allowed to express their opinion or take an interest in the events that are happening.

After such words, the child may become withdrawn, and in the future the phrase may hit his self-esteem.

Earlier we talked about why a child breaks toys and fights .

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. "All children are like children, but who do you take after?"
  2. "I'll give it to you to that uncle/auntie over there"
  3. "Don't stick your nose where it doesn't belong"