What 6 Phrases Should You Never Say to a Child

06.05.2024 07:20

Many parents sometimes take out their anger on their children in their hearts. This is especially true for little ones, when a little person perceives everything and absorbs any information like a sponge.

This happens when an adult is busy, tired. The consequences for the child can be terrible. It may even be necessary to involve not only a neurologist, but also a psychologist.

There are words and phrases that parents say accidentally or without thinking, and even worse, they yell at their child, and sometimes call them names.

Leave me alone! I'm so tired of you!

If a parent often uses such an expression, the child will think that it is better not to approach mom. She is busy, she has no time for me. In the future, when they grow up, children will not forget such an attitude and will remember it well.

You need to explain to the child when you have free time that in half an hour we will play or draw. You need to be patient and do something else for now.

Photo: Pixabay

What a ... you are!

In continuation, any rude expression. It is necessary to evaluate not the child, but the actions. He is not lazy, he is just being lazy today.

A child should know that he is good, that he is loved. And parents are not dissatisfied with him, but with his actions, deeds.

Crybaby, and you will cry like a girl for a long time

Stereotypes have long been created that tears are a sign of weakness. But it is not known who came up with such a saying.

Sometimes, when people grow up, they hide and hold back their tears, and become overgrown with psychological and other problems. With tears, the stress hormone comes out, so there is a feeling of spiritual relief.

One of the parental weaknesses is physical impact on the child's crying. You should never shame a child for crying.

Intimidation by dad (mom)

This is mostly how grandmothers intimidate, trying to calm down a naughty grandson. The child will constantly be in a neurotic fear of waiting - when will dad (mom) come and something unpleasant will happen.

It's better to cope on your own. Sometimes a simple heart-to-heart talk, like with an adult, helps, and sometimes ignoring helps.

Come on quickly

Very often this is said to a child who takes a long time to get ready. When the situation is repeated regularly, the child constantly feels guilty, which negatively affects the child's psyche.

To ensure that neither the child nor the parents are nervous, you just need to set aside more time for getting ready and doing things.

Well done! Well done!

Praise motivates the child to further successful actions. But if parents go overboard with expression, the child will simply accept it as ordinary and will stop attaching importance to it.

Praise should be given only for specific achievements, and not limited to the general phrase "Well done." It is worth explaining to the child what specific act, action, or achievement of his that causes approval and pride in the parents.

Every parent uses their own set of set expressions and phrases in everyday life for educational purposes.

These familiar words are invisible, at first glance, messages. On their basis, the child forms an opinion about himself, about people, about the world around him. Therefore, adults need to be very balanced and careful about the words spoken to the child.

Earlier we talked about what to do if your child is rude .

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Leave me alone! I'm so tired of you!
  2. What a ... you are!
  3. Crybaby, and you will cry like a girl for a long time
  4. Intimidation by dad (mom)
  5. Come on quickly
  6. Well done! Well done!