Psychologist Andrey Kashkarov told how to restrain a child's aggression

02.07.2023 18:35

To contain a child’s aggression, it is necessary to cultivate his harmonious development, including physical development.

Not in terms of daily training to build muscle at the expense of other areas of knowledge and skills, but to channel the child's accumulating energy into athletic success, rather than into emotional and physical expression directed at others.

Psychologist Andrey Kashkarov believes that sports activities and an active healthy lifestyle are the best means against aggression in children.

The peculiarity of the situation is that if emotional lability (excitability that quickly arises in response to something) is conditionally fleeting and quickly formed, then aggressive forms of behavior are “nurtured” for some time, have a cumulative effect and only then manifest themselves – break through.

Thus, the main activity and time occupation should be focused on the release of negative emotions. There are many options for sports activities, there are passive types and there are active ones - you can always choose an activity to your liking. Especially when the child himself wants it.

Photo: Pixabay

Sports activities strengthen self-confidence, including in the fight against possible manifestations of aggression from others, and make the psychological background and mood calmer.

In addition, such employment undoubtedly helps health and provides an additional socialization effect.

This is important because in this way the child chooses a society with corresponding positive patterns of behavior and tries to match this "corporate" spirit. There is almost no place for aggression in this chain.

Let's summarize the child's work against the cumulative effect of negative emotions that lead to aggression against others.

Key milestones: energy output in a positive direction (sports), regularity of training, a positive example before your eyes, formation and conformity of personal culture accepted in a community of like-minded people.

Belnovosti Author: Belnovosti Editing of the Internet portal