The influence of genetic factors on human health and character is a very interesting area that is regularly studied by leading scientists from all over the world.
Therefore, many are interested in the fact that which characteristics are genetically determined and cannot always be corrected through education.
It is worth noting right away that the genetic "baggage" of a child is not limited to mom and dad: the genes of very distant relatives can play a role. Therefore, in ancient times, they tried to select spouses so that everyone in their family would be healthy and decent people.

What are the 3 characteristics that are mainly determined by genetic factors?
Tendency to gain weight or slimness
Many people sometimes notice that children of overweight parents often suffer from excess weight. When children grow up, they try to take control of the problem, but it is difficult to do so because of the habits that have developed in the family.
But even slim parents can pass on a tendency to be overweight if there have been such cases in their family.
Several scientific papers have been published showing that the likelihood of obesity is a hereditary factor, experts note.
An interesting fact is that a depressive outlook on life or a desperate belief in the best is also a “gift” of genetics.
It is extremely difficult to influence your perception of the world.
That's why some people simply can't change their view of the world.
If you want your child to do well at school, be able to enter a prestigious university and demonstrate clear success in intellectual activity, then you need to take care of your own education as well.
If a child has smart parents, then he will also have a high IQ. This fact has also been repeatedly confirmed in scientific works.