How to deal with nerves before an exam

15.06.2023 14:09
Updated: 23.06.2023 12:03

For graduates, applicants and students, June is a period of exams, accompanied by constant stress. A little anxiety before exams is normal, but it is important not to let anxiety develop into fear and paralyze thoughts.

Doctor of the HappyDerm medical center Lyudmila Artyushkevich named several tips that will help you cope with nerves and demonstrate your knowledge to the maximum.

Plan ahead

Start preparing for exams early and distribute your study time evenly throughout the day. Discipline and diligence will help reduce anxiety, ensure adequate sleep, and help you remember the material better.

Take breaks

Switch on the work mode 45 minutes - classes, 15 minutes - rest. During the break you can water the flowers, do a little exercise, take a shower or just relax with your eyes closed and listen to music. In the evening it is recommended to go for a walk, jog, visit the pool or gym.

Proper nutrition

Maintain a regular and balanced diet. Include in your diet:

Photo: Pixabay
  • fish;
  • eggs;
  • nuts;
  • citrus;
  • dried fruits;
  • dark chocolate.

Drink plenty of fluids, including plain or mineral water, and green tea. Avoid energy drinks and coffee, as they can make you feel even more nervous.

Proper sleep

Try to sleep at least 8 hours a day. During sleep, the brain processes the information received, and the nervous system rests. It is especially important to get enough sleep before an exam to be rested and focused.

Organize your workspace

Remove all unnecessary items from the table and arrange textbooks, manuals, notebooks and pencils so that it is convenient. This will create motivation and stimulate work efficiency.

Start with the easiest and most interesting tasks

Gradually, you will become involved in the work, and the tasks that seemed daunting at first will no longer seem so difficult.

Structure the information

Take notes, create charts and diagrams. Write cheat sheets and notes, as they will help you remember the material better. Say out loud what you are studying to activate both visual and motor memory at the same time.

Logical connections in information

Cramming may be helpful in the short term, but long-term retention of the material is much more important.

Cross questions off the list as you study them.

Once you have learned and understood a question, cross it out or mark it. The number of remaining questions will decrease, and it will be easier to continue working. It is a psychological trick, but it works.

Think positively and create the right moods

Believe in yourself and say that you can handle it and everything will work out. Visualize a successful answer on the exam and enjoy the victory. Do not forget to praise yourself for the successes achieved.

Don't suppress your emotions

Share your excitement and worries with your loved ones, tell them what exactly worries you about the exam. Support and understanding from others can help you cope with your nerves.

Remember that stress before exams is normal and many people experience it.

Follow these tips, as well as regularly practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing and meditation, to reduce stress and stay calm. Remember that you are well prepared and can handle your exams successfully!

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Internet resource editor

  1. Plan ahead
  2. Take breaks
  3. Proper nutrition
  4. Proper sleep
  5. Organize your workspace
  6. Start with the easiest and most interesting tasks
  7. Structure the information
  8. Logical connections in information
  9. Cross questions off the list as you study them.
  10. Think positively and create the right moods
  11. Don't suppress your emotions