What you shouldn't take with medications: basic rules

03.01.2025 08:12

Taking medications is always accompanied by drinking some liquid.

Everyone knows that medications are incompatible with alcohol. But this is not the only recommendation that must be followed.

Roskachestvo expert doctor Rimma Muradyan told which drinks are not suitable for washing down medications.

Any careless intervention can affect the treatment plan and well-being. Therefore, doctors recommend taking pills only with plain water.

Coffee, tea and energy drinks

The listed and similar drinks contain caffeine, the combination of which with medications can cause side effects.

Photo: © Belnovosti

In particular, caffeine reduces the effectiveness of anticonvulsants and antidepressants, increases the risk of bleeding if taken with anticoagulants, and increases blood pressure when taken with beta-blockers, propranolol, and metoprolol.

And asthma medications with caffeine have a depressant effect on the cardiovascular system.


It is not recommended to take it together with antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs and thyroid medications.

Carbonated water

Not only sweet soda, but also mineral water can cause a chemical reaction and lead to unpleasant consequences.

These drinks neutralize or reduce the effectiveness of antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, sedative and other drugs.


First of all, grapefruit and orange juice. Drinks interfere with the absorption of drugs.

In some cases, this practice disrupts metabolism, and the body “accumulates high concentrations of drugs that can become toxic.”

Herbal teas

Medicinal herbs and roots are poorly studied. Many of them, even popular in folk medicine, can reduce the effectiveness of drugs.

Therefore, after taking the pills, drinking herbal teas and infusions is allowed only after a few hours.


It is forbidden to wash down medications with alcohol, as well as to drink alcohol several hours after taking the pills.

Doctors point out that after completing a course of medication, alcohol can be consumed no earlier than 24 hours later.

In some cases, the time interval increases to 48 and even 72 hours.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Coffee, tea and energy drinks
  2. Milk
  3. Carbonated water
  4. Juice
  5. Herbal teas
  6. Alcohol