Is tomato and cucumber salad your summer classic?
Scientists from the Journal of Food Chemistry shocked us with the conclusion that ascorbinase in cucumbers destroys vitamin C in tomatoes, turning a healthy salad into a dud.
"It's like throwing money away," fumes nutritionist Ella Woods on the Food Myths podcast.

Natalia from Krasnodar shared on Instagram:
“I stopped mixing tomatoes with cucumbers - after a month my skin cleared up and I had more energy.”
A study by Nutrition Research confirmed that eating these vegetables separately increases the absorption of vitamin C by 40%.
Alternative? Chef Anatoly Komm recommends combining tomatoes with basil and mozzarella:
"Caprylic acid in cheese enhances the antioxidant properties of lycopene."
His recipe from Beluga restaurant: cherry tomatoes + mozzarella balls + basil pesto + balsamic. Maximum health and taste!