This Food Is More Harmful Than Smoking and Alcohol: Check if You Have It in Your Fridge

24.01.2025 19:36

No one will dispute the fact that bad habits are the real enemies of good health and well-being.

Alcohol consumption, like smoking, can accelerate aging and cause serious illnesses.

But there is something else in our life that is no less harmful, and that is food.

Of course, this characteristic does not describe all products, but only some of them.

Thus, the most harmful food is recognized as frankfurters, sausages and salami. They contain sugar, trans fats, soy, "meat glue" and other undesirable ingredients.

Photo: © Belnovosti

The listed components are included in any sausage products, even if the manufacturers swear that you will not find anything like that in their products, said doctor Alexander Myasnikov in a conversation with OSN .

It doesn’t matter how much the products cost – in this matter, price is not an indicator of usefulness.

What can you do? At the very least, don't eat too much sausage.

Try to make sure that this product appears on your table as rarely as possible.

A good replacement for sausages and frankfurters is meat - boiled or baked.

According to the expert, roast beef is much healthier than store-bought sausage.

Therefore, if you do not want to become familiar with obesity, diabetes or cancer, pay close attention to your diet, the doctor advises.

Elena Shimanovskaya Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources