You can reduce high blood pressure without medication and it only takes a couple of minutes.
The doctor recommends that hypertensive patients monitor their health, undergo treatment and engage in prevention. And pressure surges can be avoided with the help of basic physical exercises.
Candidate of Medical Sciences, physician Alexander Shishonin told how to reduce blood pressure, Pensnews reports.
The expert drew attention to neck problems that are observed in hypertensive patients. First of all, this concerns neck mobility.
By getting rid of this problem, you can stabilize your blood pressure.
To begin with, you need to perform simple turns of the head to the left and right, the doctor advises.
After warming up, you can move on to chin rotations.
It is turned alternately to the left and right shoulder.
These exercises must be performed carefully, without sudden movements, for 60 seconds.
After completing the exercises, you need to massage your neck with your palms for 30 seconds.
It is performed with both hands just above the back of the head.
The palms should be folded into “boats” (so that the thumb rests against the index and middle fingers).
You should press with gentle movements, smoothly moving down to the base of the neck.
Exercises combined with massage will help improve your well-being.