Vitamin D, or as it is also called, the hormone of joy or the sun hormone, did not get its name for nothing, since it has the ability to reduce the psychological risks of apathy and depression and increase stress resistance.
According to the physician and dermatovenerologist Olga Samburskaya, the daily norm of vitamin D is a strictly individual “phenomenon”.
The daily dose depends on several factors, including the initial level of vitamin D in the body, the person’s age, weight, medical history and genetic characteristics.
If we talk about an adult, the minimum therapeutic and maximum prophylactic dose of vitamin D is 10,000 IU per day.
It is impossible to get such a quantity from food – and vitamin D is found in animal products – the specialist is sure.
This is why it is worth taking vitamin D in drops or capsules – in order to avoid the negative consequences that its deficiency in the body leads to.
Among them are disorders of calcium-phosphorus metabolism, which are fraught with osteopenia, an increased risk of autoimmune diseases, oncopathology, etc.
In addition, vitamin deficiency affects fat and muscle tissue, as well as the reproductive system.
Previously, we talked about what to do to visit the dentist as little as possible.