The healthiest leafy greens have been named: be sure to include them in your diet – they will significantly improve your well-being

26.02.2024 19:55

It is fashionable to talk about vegetables or other products with the word "super". Many ignore this information, believing that we are talking about overseas shortages.

In fact, most of these vegetables or leafy greens can be grown with your own hands in a garden bed or on a windowsill.

We'll tell you why it's so important to include spinach in your diet.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Excess weight

Greens contain a lot of water and fiber, and are low in calories. Spinach is good for digestion and improves metabolism, which generally has a positive effect on weight loss.


Due to the water content, blood circulation improves. In addition, spinach is a supplier of iron, which promotes the formation of new red blood cells.


Eating spinach improves collagen production, which improves the condition of the skin, but only with daily consumption of greens.


Spinach protects against stress and depression, helps to remain calm in difficult situations.

Spinach also strengthens bones, helps to quickly recover from injuries, promotes muscle tissue regeneration and improves vision.

Previously, we talked about which superfoods are good for brain health .

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Excess weight
  2. Circulation
  3. Leather
  4. Stress

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