Why You Shouldn't Eat Too Much Red Meat and What to Replace It With

27.05.2023 02:30

Frequent consumption of red meat is a common mistake, the seriousness of which is often underestimated.

Firstly, red meat is very difficult to digest, so after eating it, people feel weak, sleepy, weak and unwilling to do anything. This is the result of the body throwing its energy into digesting food.

Secondly, red meat takes a very long time to digest (up to 8 hours). Now imagine that you put a piece of meat in a warm room for 8 hours. This is a real feast for bacteria!

The same thing happens in the gastrointestinal tract. Opportunistic microflora rejoices because it has been "delivered food". As a result, people have all sorts of stomach problems.

Thirdly, cancer cells "love" red meat. It is not without reason that many people have been cured of cancer by simply changing their lifestyle and, in particular, their diet. And first of all, they gave up animal food, especially meat.

Photo: © Belnovosti

What to replace red meat with

1. Chicken and eggs.

Chicken and eggs are a source of animal protein that can replace mammalian meat. Chicken is digested much faster.

Eggs are digested even easier and faster, and also contain vitamins and microelements.

2. Fish.

Another source of protein that does not burden the gastrointestinal tract. Fish is also rich in other useful substances, such as iodine.

Thanks to vitamins D and E, regular consumption of fish improves skin, hair, vision and even dental health.

3. Quinoa.

Yes, yes, that same malicious weed that everyone is trying to get rid of. If you have a dacha where quinoa sprouts in the spring, destroy it with benefit.

Its young tender leaves will fit perfectly into any spring salad, green cabbage soup and main courses. It can also be dried and used in cooking in winter.

Remember that it was quinoa that helped our ancestors survive in harsh times of famine, serving as a substitute for meat.

4. Legumes.

Beans, beans, peas, lentils, chickpeas - these plants are almost as nutritious as meat. But they are easier to digest, digest faster and contain many other useful substances. For example, legumes contain a lot of vitamin K, zinc and potassium.

There are people who cannot eat legumes. In this case, you should solve your gastrointestinal problems. Remember: with a healthy digestive system, legumes do not cause any discomfort.

5. Buckwheat.

Buckwheat is a record holder for protein content among cereals. It contains 18 amino acids, a large amount of vitamin E, silicon, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus.

A big plus of buckwheat is that it does not contain gluten, which is very important for people who are contraindicated to it. Buckwheat can also be safely consumed if you are overweight.

Remember that you don't need to completely exclude red meat from your diet. It's just that modern people consume it in large quantities.

According to nutritionists, a healthy person living in the city and not working in a job with heavy physical exertion should eat red meat 1-2 times a week.

Elena Gutyro Author: Elena Gutyro Internet resource editor

  1. What to replace red meat with
  2. 1. Chicken and eggs.
  3. 2. Fish.
  4. 3. Quinoa.
  5. 4. Legumes.
  6. 5. Buckwheat.