Dill is a spice that perfectly complements a wide variety of dishes. The greens go well with vegetable and meat treats, making the taste and aroma brighter and more interesting.
But sometimes an unexpected craving for dill appears.
Most often, this indicates health problems. For example, hypovitaminosis.

When there is a lack of phosphorus and calcium, there is a strong desire to eat dill.
Most often, the problem can be encountered in the autumn-winter period.
Vitamin E deficiency can lead to muscle atrophy, development of dermatological pathologies, neuropathy, irritability, hair loss and brittle nails. Dill and other greens contain a sufficient amount of this element.
A person may also develop a craving for dill due to a vitamin A deficiency.
The problem also arises if the body needs vitamin C. When there is a deficiency, apathy, joint pain, irritability appear, and sleep problems may also arise.