Teaching a dog even the simplest commands takes patience and time. Dogs can be stubborn, distracted, and even aggressive.
To make things go faster, the owner needs to eliminate mistakes.
First of all, you need to understand that the commands “no” and “no” are two different commands.
The first one should stop the dog or forbid it from doing something specific at that moment.
The second command is used when the dog's action should not be repeated at all in the future.
Secondly, eliminate aggression.
You can accompany the voice command with a tug on the leash, holding on to the collar, intonation, or other hand movements.
Violence and intimidation will lead the process to a dead end, and the owner will get nothing out of the dog.
Thirdly, the training should be carried out, if not by a specialist, then by a person whom the dog considers authoritative.
That is, the connection between the pet and the owner should be as strong as possible.
Fourth, do not repeat learned commands without rewarding the dog.
If your pet doesn't see feedback, it will soon lose all interest in training and doing what it can do.