Many dogs are accustomed to jumping on all people who enter the apartment.
Some pets do this to demonstrate a positive attitude: the animal is happy to see a person who has already visited more than once before.
Other dogs jump because of strong excitement, the desire to begin to control the situation and show their dominant position in relation to a stranger who has appeared in the apartment.
And it's good if the dog is small. But what if we're talking about a big dog? For example, a Labrador.
In this case, your four-legged friend may frighten the guest and knock him down.
Fortunately, it is easy to train your pet not to jump on people entering your house.
There is one life-saving gesture that will instantly stop a dog that is behaving incorrectly.
Make a movement with your hand so that the dog thinks that you are giving or offering something to it.
The pet will be instantly distracted and is unlikely to jump on a person entering the apartment.
The most interesting thing is that such a gesture can be used in other situations when you need to stop the dog. For example, if the animal intends to jump on the furniture.
Perhaps the guests themselves “encourage” such behavior from your four-legged friend.
If every person entering the apartment begins to pet or caress the jumping dog, then the animal comes to the conclusion that it is behaving absolutely correctly.
Ask your friends who often visit you to ignore such behavior from your dog.
Also, don't forget about the importance of using a leash and saying the commands "No!" and "No!"