Can You Pet a Dog on the Head: This Rule Applies to Everyone

20.01.2025 18:59

Cynologists often scare novice dog owners and simple lovers with their advice. For example, that you can't pet your pet on the head.

There are no questions when it comes to a stranger or a stray dog. But a domestic pet will certainly not refuse affection.

In an interview with Moslenta, Vladimir Golubev, head of the Russian Cynological Federation, explained why it is wrong to do this to someone else’s dog.

In fact, it is only humans who think that they are giving pleasure to a dog by petting its head.

Animals perceive this gesture as an attempt at dominance.

Photo: © Belnovosti

In the wild, this is how dogs show their superiority over a weak competitor.

Moreover, it is not only dogs that do this, but many wild animals.

You can only pet your pet in this way and only if the animal is accustomed to such behavior from its owner.

At the same time, you need to keep an eye on the dog. It is possible that the pet will not like it and if the dog is nervous, then in the future it is better not to do this.

Also, avoid touching the dog's belly.

Many people believe that if a dog lies on its back, it is asking to be petted.

Sometimes dogs do this when they feel afraid or when they are demonstrating their submission.

Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor