Which dogs are considered the dumbest and why: not the best option for training

21.05.2024 21:21

Like people, all dogs have different characters, habits, and temperaments.

Some absolutely need contact with a person. It seems that they themselves even want to be constantly taught something. And for others, it’s quite the opposite – pets do not want to learn and are not amenable to training at all. But this is not a sign of stupidity.

Scientists have discovered which dogs are the least trainable, which is why society considers these breeds stupid.

How Dog Breeds Differ

During the research, scientists studied the habits of 80 breeds.

In the end, it was decided to divide the intelligence of dogs according to the following characteristics:

Photo: © Belnovosti
  • instinctive;
  • adaptive;
  • worker.

As for learning and training, working intelligence is responsible for these qualities.

TOP 3 breeds

1. Afghan Hounds topped this list.

Animals are incredibly self-confident and therefore calm. They will not jump through a hoop like a poodle.

To teach them even the simplest commands, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort.

2. Basenjis are a hunting breed that originated in Africa.

Because of their character, dogs are compared to cats. But they are not inclined to be trained, even if you use treats.

3. English Bulldogs round out the top three most stubborn dogs.

The only thing they can be taught is discipline. But even in this case, you will have to strictly adhere to the daily routine.

Be prepared to spend a lot of time and be patient - the dog is not inclined to obey the owner's commands.

Earlier we talked about why dogs twitch their paws when they sleep.

Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. How Dog Breeds Differ
  2. TOP 3 breeds

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