Some people are very good at disguising themselves as "friends".
They secretly hate this or that person, but continue to pretend to be friendly with him for the sake of benefit.
It is possible that there are such people in your circle.
How can you tell if your "friend" is negative towards you? There are five behavioral traits that will give him away.
A fake friend is unlikely to be genuinely happy for you.
Envy will force him to say the following phrases: “Not bad, but the result could be better”, “This is not such a serious achievement”, “I can do this too”, etc.
Of course, a fake friend will carefully hide his joy at the fact that a black streak has begun in your life.
And yet, the slight smirks will give him away.
Know this: a true friend will not be happy if you are in a bad mood.
Found out that a friend is gossiping about you? Know: you should no longer communicate with such a person.
True friends will not want to become competitors to each other in work or personal life.
A friend decides to "overtake" you in professional activity or "steal" your girlfriend? Then you can be sure: this is not a friend.
Fake friends love to praise their interlocutors in such a way that it turns into insults.
Toxic phrases include: “You finally picked out a decent suit!”, “This is the first time I’ve seen you do everything right,” etc.