The leap year 2024 and abnormal heat have affected the timing of the onset of autumn blues. Usually, the phenomenon begins in mid-September, as experts say.
People prone to depression experience a worsening mood due to the reduction in the number of sunny days, which are replaced by apathy.
Experts explained why autumn blues begin and whether it is possible to influence this condition.
The reduction in daylight hours, mostly cloudy weather and approaching cold weather make walking and travelling impossible for many.
Add to low activity vitamin deficiency and seasonal diseases - all the conditions for the development of autumn blues.
1. Instead of being sad in the rainy window, experts advise finding an activity you enjoy. You need to devote your free time from work and other responsibilities to it.
2. You should also review your social circle. Complaints about the beginning of autumn are contagious – be sure to meet someone cheerful.
3. Despite the approaching cold weather, keep moving and remain physically active.
Sports lift your mood and help you not to think about bad things, and simple walks in the fresh air have never harmed anyone.
4. Try to get a pet that you have dreamed of but have been hesitant about for a long time.
5. Don't pass up the opportunity to gain new experiences and knowledge. It's not necessary to go on a trip - you can start with education, development, and advanced training.
6. Set new goals and objectives that you are able to achieve and solve.
For some people, the mere thought that with the arrival of autumn and winter, they can start waiting for spring is enough.
And be sure to make plans for the future!