How to Avoid Burnout: Expert Advice

16.05.2024 09:10

Emotional burnout leads to loss of motivation. A person suddenly finds even his life's work boring and uninteresting.

Irritation, stress or apathy may develop, but more often the condition is accompanied by physical and emotional fatigue.

Let's find out if burnout can be avoided.

Unfortunately, there is no way to avoid this trouble. The only thing that can help is prevention.

Advice one

You can write down the reasons that lead to this condition, and next to each negative point, write a positive one that will help avoid this condition.

Photo: Pixabay

You will get something similar to the instructions.

Tip two

Assess your main occupation. If you have to sit at the computer most of the time, then every free minute should be devoted to physical activity.

Even climbing stairs will do you good.

Tip three

Don't forget to get distracted or switch your attention. The ideal model is when a person switches every 25 minutes.

It is enough to distract attention for only 5 minutes and you can continue working. There can be four such stages in a row, after which you should be distracted for at least 10-15 minutes.

It is also important to remember about positive emotions, pay attention to regular physical activity, daily routine and nutrition.

Previously, we talked about how to keep stress under control .

Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Advice one
  2. Tip two
  3. Tip three