How to Get Rid of a Constant Feeling of Anxiety: Psychologists Reveal 7 Ways

12.10.2023 10:38

Not all people know how to deal with negative emotions in an environmentally friendly way, choosing the path of completely ignoring and denying the problem.

Others do even worse: they reinforce their psychological problems with bad habits, which also affects their physical health.

Constant worrying can lead to a general increase in anxiety levels and can upset the nervous system.

What 7 tricks will help you cope with this?

Sleep more

In most cases, problems with the nervous system appear and worsen due to the refusal of normal sleep. Therefore, if you have anxiety, you should pay more attention to sleep, experts say.


You can make your sleep even more qualitative and productive. You can put some dry lavender under your pillow. If you don’t have any flowers, you can spread a small amount of essential oil on your bed linen.

Photo: Pixabay

Proper nutrition

To reduce anxiety levels and take care of the nervous system, you need to include nuts, seeds, fatty sea fish, herbal teas, leafy vegetables and bananas in your diet.

But you need to give up bad eating habits.

Water treatments

Don't underestimate the power of a hot bath with bubbles, salts and essential oils: it's a wonderful break for the soul and body.

If you don't have time for a bath, but you need to come to your senses, you can simply take a hot shower. The effect will be relatively the same.

Start walking more

Even though these aimless walks may seem like a waste of time at first, you will soon begin to feel their impact.

People who walk regularly complain less about psychological problems.


Many have already appreciated the positive impact of yoga on the body and mind: this is a unique practice that will help you change your life for the better.

You can even practice yoga alone if you are in decent physical shape.

Complete tasks on time

The root cause of anxiety is often that we are unable to meet deadlines in all our areas. This can even lead to chronic stress.

Therefore, complete all assigned tasks on time.

Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor

  1. What 7 tricks will help you cope with this?
  2. Sleep more
  3. Lavender
  4. Proper nutrition
  5. Water treatments
  6. Start walking more
  7. Yoga
  8. Complete tasks on time