Anxiety: Why it Occurs

05.04.2023 08:12
Updated: 15.04.2023 01:49

In ancient times, anxiety helped people survive, recognize signs of danger on the fly, and therefore stay alive.

But today, modern people are increasingly visited by groundless heightened anxiety, states the fact of the expert of the online publication Belnovosti Pavel Rakov, a psychologist, coach, creator of the cult training “In fact, I am smart, but I live like a fool.”

It seems like life is going well, there is peace in the family, the children are making you happy, your career is progressing, but something is wrong.

Your soul itches, you often suffer from dizziness, pain in the heart and solar plexus, you can't breathe, and your thoughts constantly revolve around the same situation or painful experience. You often worry about the future, and this strong anxiety prevents you from making plans and implementing ideas, moving forward.

Increased anxiety is indeed a nasty phenomenon. You spend a lot of energy fighting it, and as a result, your productivity drops, and problems arise in your personal life. What to do? First, realize that you have an anxious personality type. And then, find out the reasons for this, so that you can methodically and gradually, step by step, eliminate both the consequences and the basis on which this condition is based.

Photo: Pixabay

Reason one: health problems

First of all, check the condition of your body. Hormonal imbalances, some incipient diseases, and mental disorders can be the cause of anxiety. Many people often attribute everything to severe stress, but... It is not the only culprit of increased anxiety over trifles.

If after six months of a stressful situation the anxiety has not disappeared, then it is worth checking with doctors. But it is better not to delay a visit to the doctor, especially if you already have problems with your heart, pressure surges and some problems with the thyroid gland are known.

Reason two: parental upbringing

Parents also “try” to instill a sense of anxiety in their children by constantly criticizing their actions, scolding them for their grades at school, and showing them by their example how to live.

Remember how anxious your mother was when you were leaving for school. If she constantly asked you a hundred times if you had everything with you, if your homework was ready, always read you the rules of conduct on the road and always called you back after each lesson, then it is not surprising that anxiety has become your faithful companion.

Overprotection and constant control from adults will definitely "reward" you with such a state. After all, worrying about trifles has long been a habit for you, so you may not even notice it for the time being.

Reason three: chronic stress

Stress that doesn't go away also plays a role in anxiety. And to get rid of it, you have to eliminate the root cause. Perhaps it's all about a toxic relationship that should have ended a long time ago.

Or maybe you can’t protect yourself from the actions and words of some relatives who want to control your life? Or maybe your boss at work doesn’t follow labor laws, establishing his own rules? As soon as you decide to make changes, anxiety will disappear. The main thing is to avoid such conditions in the future, which will become a breeding ground for stress.

Reason four: features of the nervous system

Indeed, temperament, which depends precisely on the characteristics of the nervous system, can cause anxiety to develop. Most often, people prone to this are melancholic and phlegmatic. However, both a choleric and a sanguine person can easily catch the "anxiety virus" if they spent their entire childhood in an atmosphere of parental control and do not see any other path in life.

What to do? Strengthen the advantages of temperament and firmly understand the disadvantages and their impact on the feeling of anxiety. Knowing some of the shortcomings of the nervous system will allow you to separate unjustified anxiety from that which is useful to the body.


Reason Five: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Accidents, disasters, violence cause post-traumatic stress disorder, the consequence of which is anxiety. And you are unlikely to be able to get rid of all this on your own. Do not neglect the help of a psychotherapist who will select the necessary treatment measures, and do not delay in contacting specialists.

Identifying the problem at an early stage allows you to solve it faster and more effectively. Otherwise, post-traumatic disorder will be supplemented not only by anxiety, but also by depression, panic attacks, chronic migraines, heart disease and vascular disease.

Reason six: minimal physical activity

When you spend most of your time at home or at work in a sedentary position, without any physical activity, you spoil your metabolism. And this will certainly affect the development of diseases that are accompanied by anxiety (see reason one).

Therefore, be sure to rest, choosing walks in the fresh air, fitness classes, picnics in nature and hiking as relaxation. Activity will help strengthen muscles, improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system and give you new brilliant ideas for work.

Reason seven: negative past experience

It is not necessary that such experience will come from childhood. In youth and adolescence, we often get burned in our first relationships and first jobs. And then everything happens as in the popular saying: "Once burned, once blown on the water." You begin to dwell on your first failures and compare all actions (your own or other people's) with the past.

Of course, everyone wants to be the creator of their own happiness, but life is not only your responsibility. It is also the actions of other people, so you will have to keep this thought in mind so as not to fall into the web of anxiety. You cannot constantly control yourself and others! Learn from negative experiences and move forward.

Author: Sergey Tumanov Internet resource editor

  1. Reason one: health problems
  2. Reason two: parental upbringing
  3. Reason three: chronic stress
  4. Reason four: features of the nervous system
  5. Reason Five: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
  6. Reason six: minimal physical activity
  7. Reason seven: negative past experience