Psychologist Elena Katsyuba told how relationships affect career

09.03.2023 12:30
Updated: 14.04.2023 13:17

Relationships in the family have, if not the main, then certainly not the least influence on the development or, on the contrary, destruction of a career.

Psychologist Elena Katsyuba spoke about how relationships affect a career.

There are three main scenarios according to which events can develop – neutral, negative and positive. Let's look at each one separately.

Neutral scenario

This is a story in which spouses (or partners) do not interfere in each other's affairs, concluding a kind of non-aggression pact.

They understand that the common prosperous future depends on the successful activity of each of them, therefore in such families the principle applies: I understand that your work is important, and I do not bother you, and you respect my work and also do not interfere.

Photo: Pixabay

In such families, work and family matters almost never intersect, at home it is not customary to devote each other to the details of one's activities. The partners are united by common hobbies, interests, children.

In this scenario, relationships have no impact on career development, and success will depend only on personal goals, ambitions and available skills.

Negative scenario

In this story, one of the partners does not benefit from the other making a career. The reasons may be different. For example, the husband wants his wife to be dependent on him - to sit at home, cook and raise children.

In order to achieve his goal, he will use various manipulation techniques and make some promises.

If the other half is not interested in developing their career, then they accept their partner’s proposals, and their career comes to an end.

And if a career is important, then a conflict begins to brew. A partner who wants to influence the other's activity can use such manipulations: "Your work is more important to you than me", "You are constantly busy, and this and that are not done at home", "Because of your work, you do not see your children at all", etc.

In the end, the question may come down to whether I maintain a relationship with this person or choose to further develop my career.

In this case, the fate of the career will depend on the decision taken. The issue can also be resolved through negotiations and finding a compromise solution.

Positive scenario

This is a story when partners act according to the principle "I am for you, you are for me". One strengthens the other and vice versa, as a result, such a combination leads to high efficiency, when one plus one gives five.

In such relationships, partners are interested in each other as multifaceted individuals, support each other in self-development and delve into each other’s affairs.

If they can help, they help – with knowledge, flexible distribution of common responsibilities to relieve schedules in favor of someone, etc. In such relationships, with full understanding and coincidence of values, a process of mutual growth occurs, which leads to rapid career success.

Author: Valeria Kisternaya Internet resource editor

  1. Neutral scenario
  2. Negative scenario
  3. Positive scenario